Saturday, May 12, 2012

No posts for quite awhile. I haven't forgotten. I just haven't worked out! After my workout on March 27, my chest felt funny....kinda heavy. By Sunday, I couldn't stop coughing and was running a fever. Bronchitis. It knocked me out for a week. Then I woke up with a sore rib area. It hurt enough to not be able to work out, but not bad enough to go to the dr. Until one evening when I was reaching up into a cabinet,coughed, and felt a pop and a lot of pain. Broken rib. Several weeks, pain meds, and little working out (some running here and there), and I'm now thinking I'm healed enough to start working out again. The pain is mostly gone and now it just feels...tight. That's the best way I can think of to describe it. So, I'm nervous, but I'm going to start back up again. Slowly. Which is very hard tor me. Still going to focus on running and biking, but going to start to integrate other crossfit stuff too.